
Child Nutrition

This signature program was designed to enhance children’s capacity to learn and develop. We make and deliver approximately 300 lunches daily to children in 18 schools in Moose Jaw. Lunches consist of a sandwich, fruit, vegetables, and a healthy snack. A milk or milk product is served weekly. Lunches are provided free of charge. Any child that would benefit from the program are identified by school staff and parents. Forms are available at all schools or from the Hunger in Moose Jaw Office.

Volunteers are a vital part of this program, helping to make and deliver the lunches. This can be a great give back opportunity for your business or community group.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact us at or call 306-692-1916.

Headstart Preschool

Headstart Preschool offers classes every weekday morning 9am-11:30 throughout the school year. There are 30 spaces for three and four year olds. Our curriculum addresses the social, emotional, and physical needs of children in a safe, caring, and supportive environment. Focus on play, social interaction, literacy topped off with a healthy and fun snack make this a must go to program. This program tends to fil up quickly.

This program is free of charge. Applications are available at the Hunger in Moose Jaw office. Transportation is available and is assessed on the basis of need.

For more information please contact us at or call 306-693-0754.

The Good Food Box

The Good Food Box provides top quality fresh fruit and vegetables at affordable prices. It is available to the general public.  The Good Food Box is a bulk buying program.

Large GFB ($25.00) – A family size box packed with high quality, fresh produce 3 to 5 people.
Small GFB ($20.00) – A medium sized box of quality fresh produce for 1-2 people.
Individual GFB ($12.50) – Packed for a single individual.
Fruit Bag ($15.00) – A small bag of 3-4 different types of fresh fruit.

Volunteers pack the good food boxes. Delivery is available for site orders of 5 orders or more. Payment Methods : Debit, Credit and Cash. If paying by E-transfer please send to  Please include your name, phone number and order in the comments/memo session.  Extra produce may also be available for purchase the day of the GFB.

For more information please contact us at or call 306-693-0754.

Good Food Box Dates

Yara Community Gardens

First established in 2006, the Community Gardens came to Join Hunger in Moose Jaw in 2012 and have since grown to include 140 individual garden plots across 3 sites citywide. Gardeners of all ages and experience levels are invited to rent a garden plot to grow their own local, pesticide-free food. Farmer’s markets and The Annual Pumpkin Festival are activities gardeners have an opportunity to participate in if they so choose.

The Community Gardens not only provides the opportunity to grow healthy local food, but also allows for communal learning and civic pride. Sharing gardening techniques, stories and meals brings community members together, fostering friendships, food security and the conservation of age-old Saskatchewan gardening practices.

We are so pleased that Yara continues to share the vision of the gardens and to be the prominent sponsor. For more information please contact us at or call 306-692-1916 306-630-3498.

Community Kitchens

Nutrition, hygiene, economical shopping, and cooking techniques are all part of this exciting and interactive program. This program is offered in small groups to individuals in our community who can benefit from learning how to prepare appetizing, economical and nutritious meals and snacks. At the end of each session, participants take home the food that are prepared, as well as recipes, some non – perishable food items.

The curriculum for this program can be adapted to the needs of individual groups. Transportation and babysitting can be provided when necessary. There is a minimal fee for each participant for each session.

For more information please contact us at or call 306-692-1916.

Junior Chef

This program is offered 5-6 times for a duration of 6 sessions between Sept and June for children 9-12. The participants are taught to cook a main, side and a dessert each time. In this hands on program they are taught how to plan and cook a balanced nutritious meal. Classes are limited to 5 participants.
Registration for this program happens in the fall and fills up quickly.
For more information please contact us at or call 306-692-1916.